a new tekno breakbeat. module by:(drum roll). ------twilight------. this tracker lasts at. least 4 mins, so you . should have plenty . enough time to rave .. this time.thanx 2 all. you guys out there . who have contacted me. and snail-mailed mods. i'm sorry i haven't__ written back yet, but. the reason is simple:. TRIP1 hilsninger gaar til: . hmc/atz jester/sanity. all spaceballers, all. andromedarer (?!?)and. hobbes/infect +many . more,2 all pan membs:. wga,furball,spineless. the pussy +ze rest,ze. whole bucking funch!!. if you wanna contact me, write 2: daniel hansen, idr.5,. 9180 skjerv0y, norway. or phone this number:. +47 83 60186 !!!!!!!!. daniel hansen 22/7 93.